Our New Powerhouse
The Sony VCL-HG0737 Wide Angle Adapter with the Golden coating use to be readily available second hand at very cheap prices but, as often happens when TLS starts using them in their world class rehousing plans, things get a bit tricky as the demand suddenly increases and the price goes up. The key is to find the one without a letter after the HG0737 bit. Media Dog have been looking for one of these to include in our new TLS Canon LTM set for about 6 months but as it has to be perfect it made the search that much harder. It’s important because when it’s combined with a Canon 35mm LTM rangefinder lens it converts it into a 25mm lens and Canon didn’t make one of those.
So, much like waiting for a bus, two came up for sale in perfect condition as the same time and we managed to get both.
The first thing people ask is how the TLS Canon LTM fit in with other vintage lens sets. Comparing them to other Canon vintage lenses makes the most sense. The TLS Canon FD L lenses would be the least extreme vintage option and the give a similar image to Canon K35 mk2 and mk3. The TLS Canon FD SSC set (available from Media Dog Hire soon) are more extreme in their vintage look, creative opportunities and they match the Canon K35 mk1 well. The TLS Canon LTM rangefinder lenses offer even more creative options and a wonderful vintage look. My favourite is the TLS Canon LTM 50mm f.95. A stunning lens that creates a dream like image when used wide open.
I can’t wait for the lenses to arrive so that our clients can start to enjoy the creative possibilities that these unique lenses offer. But don’t worry the stunning rehousing that True Lens Services do will create a lens set that will stand up to the rigours of any project.